Plan Your Legacy
Trust Services
Establishing a plan to preserve your wealth and transfer it to future generations takes a great deal of care and forethought. Will you need a professional trustee to implement your plan? Stifel Trust Services offers fulsome, impartial solutions for managing a trust.

Choosing a Trustee
One of the most important decisions you’ll make when preparing your estate plan is who to name trustee or successor trustee. Before possibly risking family harmony or burdening a family member with the work, responsibility, and potential liability that comes with serving as a trustee, consider the alternative – naming a corporate successor trustee, like Stifel Trust Company, N.A.
Our clients receive personal service from experienced professionals, knowledgeable in specialized trust matters like record keeping, administration, and investing. In addition, your Stifel Financial Advisor is involved in the trust relationship, providing continuity and advice.
Talk with Stifel about your estate plan and choosing a trustee or successor trustee.
How does a Corporate Trustee help?
What happens when an individual becomes incapacitated or passes away? For clients who have a trust, including a revocable living trust, your successor trustee will be responsible for implementing the provisions in your trust.
Responsibilities of the successor trustee include:
- Administrative functions like collection of income and dividends, bill paying, recordkeeping, statements, maintaining tax documents and preparation of the trust’s tax returns
- Management, safekeeping and investing trust assets according to “prudent investor” standards to achieve the goals of the trust
- Distributions of income and/or principal to beneficiaries per the terms of your trust

Working with Stifel Trust
Stifel Trust offers a full array of trust services for individuals and organizations. We serve as trustee or co-trustee, investment manager, or custodian for individuals and not-for-profits.

Connect with a Stifel Financial Advisor
Establishing a plan to preserve your wealth and transfer it to future generations takes a great deal of care and forethought. The first step is connecting with a Stifel Financial Advisor to evaluate your goals and establish a plan.

Information for Attorneys
The second step in ensuring your legacy is building the legal documents with an estate attorney, for example, a revocable living trust, and designating decision-makers. Here are our provisions for attorneys to name Stifel Trust Company, N.A. in estate documents.

Transferring Your Trust
Some clients may have a trust serviced outside of Stifel and wish to benefit from our level of service and professionalism. At Stifel Trust Company, we work in collaboration with your Stifel Financial Advisor. We will develop a plan to help you move your trust to Stifel Trust Company, N.A. easily and with little disruption to trust beneficiaries.
How Trusts Can Help
When the time comes, Stifel Trust is prepared to step in and serve, in order to aid the estate in avoiding probate. As such, people across the country have named Stifel Trust Company, N.A. as their successor trustee. Jon Smith, Vice President of Stifel Trust, explains the importance of a corporate trustee and the various offerings of Stifel Trust.
Meet the Stifel Trust Team
At Stifel Trust Company, our goal is to provide premier-level personal service to our clients. It is a commitment that is reflected in the way we deliver our services. Each Stifel Trust account has a dedicated Trust Officer and Investment Officer, who work in conjunction with your Stifel Financial Advisor.

Stifel Financial Advisor
At Stifel Trust, your Financial Advisor works closely with a dedicated Trust Officer and Investment Officer, focused on handling your trust. Connect with your Stifel Financial Advisor to get started today.

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